Sie benötigen Hilfe bei Behördengängen, Formularen und sonstigen Formalitäten? Der Leistungskatalog aus dem Serviceportal Baden-Württemberg bieten Ihnen die notwendigen Informationen.
Sie benötigen Hilfe bei Behördengängen, Formularen und sonstigen Formalitäten? Der Leistungskatalog aus dem Serviceportal Baden-Württemberg bieten Ihnen die notwendigen Informationen.
Procedure descriptions
- Address book - block entry
- Adoption - Request access to files
- Adoption of a foreign child - applying for notarisation in the register of births
- Adoption of a German child - notarisation ex officio
- Apply for a change of address on the eID card
- Apply for a death certificate
- Apply for a fishing licence
- Apply for a housing entitlement certificate
- Apply for a pension due to partial reduction in earning capacity in the event of occupational disability
- Apply for a polling card
- Apply for a registration certificate
- Apply for a standard old-age pension
- Apply for a state family pass
- Apply for a tree felling licence
- Apply for an honorary sponsorship from the Federal President
- Apply for an old-age pension for severely disabled people
- apply for the eID card as a European citizen
- Apply for the organisation of weekly markets
- Applying for an ID card for the first time or after expiry
- Become a poll worker
- Birth abroad - applying for entry in the German register of births
- Burial - Order a funeral
- Burial at sea
- Catering trade - apply for a permit for up to four days
- Certificate of no impediment to marriage - apply for issue
- Children's passport - application is no longer possible since 1 January 2024
- Church membership and church tax - Declaring leaving the church
- Civil partnership certificate - apply for further copies
- Commercial installation of gaming machines with winning possibilities
- Commercially organising games with prizes
- Confirm date of moving in (housing provider certificate)
- Declare paternity and have it notarised
- Deregister residence
- Deregister trade
- Deregistering the dog license fee
- Determine married name
- Determine property tax
- Display - Report noise nuisance
- Disposing of domestic green waste
- Electoral roll (local elections) - apply for registration when moving house
- Electoral roll (mayoral election) - apply for registration as a returnee
- Encourage state honouring of lifesavers
- Identity card - Change address
- Information from the civil register - group information to parties or groups of voters
- Issue SEPA direct debit mandate
- Passport - Apply for a change of residence
- Passport - apply for a temporary passport
- Passport - apply for replacement due to loss
- Passport - apply for the first time or after expiry
- Passport - applying for a second passport
- Passport - applying for the first time for the child
- Passport - reapplying for a passport due to name change on divorce
- Passport - reapplying for a passport due to name change on marriage
- Permit as a bookkeeping assistant
- Population register - request group information
- Pre-emptive right of the municipality - apply for a negative certificate
- Private fireworks - apply for an exemption from the ban on setting off fireworks
- Protection against animal diseases - Show animal disease
- Register a trade
- Register of residents - apply for information (extended)
- Register of residents - apply for information (simple)
- Register of residents - apply for information blocking
- Register of voters (Bundestag election) - applying for registration of Germans living abroad
- Register of voters (European elections) - Apply for registration of EU citizens living in Germany
- Register of voters (European elections) - applying for registration of Germans living abroad
- Register of voters (European elections) - applying for registration of Germans living in Germany
- Register residence
- Register water connection
- Register your residence as your main residence
- Registering the dog license fee
- Report change of residence within the same city or municipality
- Report home birth to the registry office
- Report rat
- Report the name of the child to the registry office after birth
- Request birth certificate
- Request cremation
- Request exemption from the Law on Sundays and Public Holidays
- Request issuance of a mortuary passport
- Requesting an excerpt from the Central Trade Register
- Requesting information from the Trade Register (Gewerberegister)
- Requesting the excavation of a road for pipe laying
- Re-register business
- Residence - Notify change of main residence
- Show death
- Special use of roads outside the locality - applying for permission
- Special use of roads within the locality - applying for permission
- Special uses on public roads - applying for a permit and traffic order
- STÄRKE state programme - information for parents
- Straußwirtschaft - Show operation
- Submit a residents' petition