Sie benötigen Hilfe bei Behördengängen, Formularen und sonstigen Formalitäten? Der Leistungskatalog aus dem Serviceportal Baden-Württemberg bieten Ihnen die notwendigen Informationen.
Sie benötigen Hilfe bei Behördengängen, Formularen und sonstigen Formalitäten? Der Leistungskatalog aus dem Serviceportal Baden-Württemberg bieten Ihnen die notwendigen Informationen.
Passport - Apply for a change of residence
If your place of residence has changed, you must have your new address entered in your passport. You can apply for this online if the local authority at your new place of residence offers electronic residence registration. You can also go in person to the citizens' office in your new place of residence
Even if you move abroad and no longer have an address in Germany, your passport must be changed. The residence sticker will show your place of residence abroad.
Responsible department
The passport authorities in Baden-Württemberg are
- the municipalities as local police authorities
- the administrative communities, which perform or fulfil the tasks of the registration authority.
As a rule, the citizens' bureaux or citizens' offices fulfil the tasks of a passport authority.
- You have a valid passport.
- You have a current registration confirmation as proof of your change of address.
When using the online service for electronic residence registration (eWA):
- You have a valid ID card and have activated the online ID function in your ID card.
- You know your personal six-digit PIN.
- You have a smartphone with an NFC interface or a card reader.
- You have installed the ID card app on your smartphone, tablet or PC.
- You have a user account (e.g. BundID).
If you are moving abroad:
- You deregister with your local registration authority.
If you apply for a change of residence in person:
You use the digital online service for electronic residence registration
- You will receive mail at your new address. This will contain a residence sticker with your new place of residence and instructions on how to affix the residence sticker to your passport.
You register in person at the Citizens' Registration Office at your new place of residence.
- You present your valid passport and your registration confirmation.
- The Citizens' Registration Office will update the place of residence in your passport by means of a residence sticker.
You can authorise another person in writing to change your place of residence in your passport at the Citizens' Registration Office at your new place of residence.
You must have your place of residence changed in your passport immediately after the change of address or change it online yourself.
Required documents
- valid passport
- current official confirmation of registration
There are no costs.
Processing time
There is no statutory processing time.
If you want to change the place of residence in your passport online, you must also register a new place of residence.
Legal basis
Passgesetz (Passgesetz – PassG)
- § 4 Absatz 1 Nummer 9 Passmuster; Verordnungsermächtigung
- § 15 Nummer 1 Pflichten des Inhabers
- § 19 Zuständigkeit
Verordnung zur Durchführung des Passgesetzes (Passverordnung - PassV)
- § 1 Absatz 2-3Muster des Reisepasses; Änderung von Daten
- § 15 Absatz 4 Nummer 3 Gebühren
- Anlage 1b Muster des Aufklebers zur Änderung des Wohnortes
- Anlage 1c Muster des Aufklebers zur Änderung des Wohnortes nach elektronischer Anmeldung nach § 23a des Bundesmeldegesetzes
- Anlage 11 Vorbemerkung Nummer 6 Tabellen 3 und 4
Passverwaltungsvorschrift (PassVwV)
- Nummern 4.1.9 bis Wohnort
- Nummer Änderungen im Reisepass
- Nummer
- Nummer 21.2.8
Gesetz zur Ausführung des Paßgesetzes, des Personalausweisgesetzes und des eID-Karte-Gesetzes
- § 1 Pass- und Personalausweisbehörden
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg, 13.03.2024