Sie benötigen Hilfe bei Behördengängen, Formularen und sonstigen Formalitäten? Der Leistungskatalog aus dem Serviceportal Baden-Württemberg bieten Ihnen die notwendigen Informationen.
Sie benötigen Hilfe bei Behördengängen, Formularen und sonstigen Formalitäten? Der Leistungskatalog aus dem Serviceportal Baden-Württemberg bieten Ihnen die notwendigen Informationen.
Encourage state honouring of lifesavers
People who have rescued a person from life-threatening danger can be honoured by the state.
You can apply for this honour at the mayor's office in whose municipal area the rescue took place.
State honours can be awarded in the following ways:
- Award of the rescue medal
- for rescuing people from life-threatening danger that involved danger to one's own life
- public recognition, if the rescue
- was carried out under difficult circumstances without immediate danger to one's own life, or
- was unsuccessful
In addition to the honour, lifesavers can also receive the following benefits:
- a sum of money as an honorary gift
- Compensation for considerable damage to property
- a gift in kind (for persons under 18 years of age)
Notice: If the lifesaver has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanour, he or she may not be honoured.
Responsible department
The mayor's office on whose municipal territory the rescue happened.
Persons may have acted in the exercise of their professional or official duty in saving lives. To be honoured, the rescuing person must have acted beyond the scope of their professional duties in the act of rescue.
Contact the competent authority to request that the lifesaver be honoured.
The competent authority will investigate the facts of the case at your suggestion. Then it submits an application to the Ministry of the Interior for a state honour. The Prime Minister decides on the award on the recommendation of the Ministry of the Interior. There is no legal entitlement to an honour.
Two years from the rescue.
Required documents
You should attach documents from your possession to the suggestion that prove or describe the rescue act, such as:
- Photographs
- Records
- Newspaper articles
If you have other information, such as the occupation of the person rescued or local circumstances, this will be very helpful in assessing the rescue.
Release note
29.09.2023; Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg