Sie benötigen Hilfe bei Behördengängen, Formularen und sonstigen Formalitäten? Der Leistungskatalog aus dem Serviceportal Baden-Württemberg bieten Ihnen die notwendigen Informationen.
Sie benötigen Hilfe bei Behördengängen, Formularen und sonstigen Formalitäten? Der Leistungskatalog aus dem Serviceportal Baden-Württemberg bieten Ihnen die notwendigen Informationen.
Protection against animal diseases - Show animal disease
According to the Animal Health Act, they must report certain animal diseases immediately.
This is to enable epidemics to be detected and combated in good time so that they do not spread further.
You must not only report the outbreak of a disease, but also the suspicion of an outbreak.
According to the Animal Health Act, you must report an animal disease if you are
- are the keeper of the animal
- represent the keeper of the animal
- temporarily supervise the animal
- have professional dealings with animals, for example
- Workers in the livestock trade and transport,
- Fish farmers or fish breeders,
- Workers in fisheries,
- Workers in hunting or shepherding,
- persons engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine
- Managers of an inspection body, or
- Persons who artificially inseminate animals, test their performance, castrate animals.
Caution: You are liable to prosecution if you do not report a suspected animal disease immediately or even conceal it.
The animal disease can then spread, for example, via the animal trade or persons.
In this case, you must expect a fine of up to 30,000 euros.
In addition, you will not receive any compensation for animal losses.
Responsible department
- the lower animal health authority (veterinary office), or
- the local police authority if the lower animal health authority (veterinary office) cannot be reached
You must immediately report the animal disease or your suspicion of an animal disease outbreak informally.
First notify the competent veterinary office. If the competent veterinary office cannot be reached, notify the local police authority:
- in person,
- by telephone
- by fax or
- by e-mail
If you notify by fax or e-mail, the obligation to notify is fulfilled if you receive a personal confirmation of receipt of the notification from the competent authority within two hours. If you do not receive this confirmation, you must try again.
Provide information on:
- suspected disease
- symptoms occurring
- Type, number and location of the animals
- Owner or keeper of the animals
- possibly: neighbouring herds affected
- measures taken by you
- have the animals been bought or sold
You must do everything possible to prevent the disease from spreading: for example, you must keep the sick and suspect animals away from places where there is a risk of infecting other animals.
The competent veterinary office investigates your suspicious report. It will first order that the sick and suspect animals be separated from other susceptible animals and, if necessary, confined.
The movement of people and vehicles on your farm will be restricted.
If the suspicion of an animal disease requiring control is confirmed, the competent veterinary office initiates the necessary countermeasures. These can be, for example, the killing or quarantine of the animals.
You must report your suspicions immediately.
Required documents
for the display: none
Processing time
The competent authority shall immediately take the necessary steps to clarify the suspected animal disease.
The duration of the animal disease investigation and the necessary measures depends on the type of animal disease.
It can range from a few days if the suspicion is ruled out to several months if the epidemic gets out of hand.
You can receive compensation for animal losses due to animal diseases according to the Animal Health Act. You can find more information in the service description"Applying for compensation from the Tierseuchenkasse".
Release note
13.09.2023 Ministerium für Ernährung, Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg