Sie benötigen Hilfe bei Behördengängen, Formularen und sonstigen Formalitäten? Der Leistungskatalog aus dem Serviceportal Baden-Württemberg bieten Ihnen die notwendigen Informationen.
Sie benötigen Hilfe bei Behördengängen, Formularen und sonstigen Formalitäten? Der Leistungskatalog aus dem Serviceportal Baden-Württemberg bieten Ihnen die notwendigen Informationen.
Become a poll worker
On election day, election workers are deployed at the polling station. Their tasks as members of the election committees or as assistants in the conduct of the election include, for example:
- Handing out the ballot papers
- Checking the voter's eligibility on the basis of the electoral roll
- Releasing the ballot box for the insertion of the ballot paper
- Assisting in the determination of the election results
Election workers
- must perform their duties impartially; for example, they may not visibly wear any sign indicating their political convictions during their work,
- are bound to secrecy. They must keep silent about matters that have come to light in the course of their official activities, and
- may not veil their face in the exercise of their office.
Responsible department
the municipality in whose electoral roll you are registered
They must be eligible to vote in the election in question.
This does not apply to municipal employees who can be appointed as members of the electoral boards in the state election and in municipal elections. You can find more information on eligibility to vote in the chapter "Who may vote (active right to vote)" under the respective type of election.
You can volunteer as an election worker at your municipality. You can specify a constituency of your choice for your assignment. Your municipality decides whether and in which constituency you will be deployed. They will take your wishes into account when making their decision. It is possible to work as an election worker outside your own constituency.
If not enough volunteers who meet the requirements to work as an election worker come forward for an election, the municipality in whose electoral roll you are registered can appoint you as an election worker. You will then receive notification of the electoral district in good time before the election as well as further information on the exact procedure on election day.
As an election worker you are working on a voluntary basis. You may only refuse this activity for important reasons. Important reasons are, for example:
- You are 65 years old or older on election day for federal and state elections, 67 years old or older for European elections or older than 62 years old for municipal elections.
- You can credibly show that the care of your family makes it particularly difficult for you to hold office.
- You are unable to hold office due to illness, disability, urgent professional or other important reasons.
Notice: Due to a law or collective agreement, you may be entitled to time off work or special leave. Please check with your employer in good time before the election.
You may receive compensation for your work as an election worker. The amount of compensation varies depending on the election and the municipality, for example:
- "refreshment allowance" for federal, European and Land elections: at least 35 euros for the chairperson and 25 euros each for the other members of the electoral committee
- Compensation according to the statutes on the compensation of honorary activities of the respective municipality in municipal elections
- Compensation for damage to property, if such damage is caused by the activity as an election worker or election assistant
Required documents
In case of refusal to work as an election worker for important reasons: Evidence for these reasons, such as a medical certificate
Training may take place before polling day. Election workers must be present at the respective polling station on election day before the polling stations open in order to make preparations.
During the election day, the presence is usually in shifts.
After the polling stations have closed, all election workers must be present until all votes have been counted.
In the case of municipal elections, counting can also take place on the following working day.
Legal basis
- §§ 8 - 11 Wahlorgane
- § 6 Wahlvorsteher und Wahlvorstand
- § 9 Ehrenämter
- § 10 Auslagenersatz für Inhaber von Wahlämtern, Erfrischungsgeld
- § 5 Wahlorgane
- § 6 Wahlvorsteher und Wahlvorstand
- § 9 Ehrenämter
- § 10 Auslagenersatz für Inhaber von Wahlämtern, Erfrischungsgeld
- §§ 10, 13 - 18 Wahlorgane
- §§ 3 - 9 Wahlorgane
- § 14 Wahlvorstände
- § 15 Gemeinsame Vorschriften über die Ausschüsse und Wahlvorstände
- § 39 Wahlkosten
- § 22 Wahlvorstände
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg, 06.11.2024